Tag Archives: New Year

Neural Pathway Restructuring™

It’s a real bitch! There’s really only one way to get the life you want. You have to accept and take the responsibility to create the life you want. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about your work, weight, love life, family, etc. it all starts with you.

In order to create what we want in our lives, we have to deal with whatever is keeping us from being, doing or having everything we want. And that is usually based on unconscious limiting beliefs, fears and self-imposed limitations.

Whatever those are, they’ve probably become habits of neurological behaviors of your brain. These behavior are neuro pathways you run over and over again….mostly on an unconscious level.

It’s sad, but no amount of affirmations, or white knuckling it or swearing that you’re going to change this time will make that change. This is because your brain always goes to the easiest system….the path of least resistance.

It wants to do what it knows and is most comfortable.

It wants to go down that neural pathway that in essence cuts a deep groove.

In order to change that you often have to do something very different–maybe even drastic.

This is when Neural Pathway Restructuring™  comes in. With Neural Pathway Restructuring™   we restructure those pathways and create new pathways that support the life you want with new behaviors and new beliefs.

You decide how you want it. We assist you in making those changes on a deep neurological level so that you never go back to the unwanted behaviors.

Find out more at The Life Change Catalyst website!

and Neural Pathway Restructuring