Tag Archives: success

Change Your Brain?

Every once in awhile someone comes along that I, as a Life Change Catalyst am really glad that I do the work that I do. I have debated whether to write this post about this young man but finally decided that it might be of benefit to others to find out just what can be done with the right techniques. And just so you know, I have permission to write this although I have changed some details.

About a year ago, I was presented with the opportunity to work with a young man who has been diagnosed with borderline autism, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. He is a high functioning individual who has accomplished much in his life.

Several things about him stand out. He is very positive and highly motivated to do well. Unlike many “normal” kids, he has not let his “diagnosed” disabilities stop him. When he decides he wants to do something, he finds a way.

He first came to me for the O.C.D. presenting as “picking” at his face, neck and hands. When I saw him at the initial session, he had scabs on these areas from the constant picking. O.C.D. is an anxiety disorder often characterized by repetitive behaviors.  These behaviors are unwanted and those with the disorder become very anxious if unable to do them.

Due to the success of putting a stop to the picking, he decided he wanted me to work with him on the A.D.H.D. as well. A.D.H.D. is a developmental disorder of attentional problems and hyperactivity. According to both him and his mother, he had difficulties in focusing, paying attention, getting out of control verbally and the typical fidgety behaviors. Again, we had success with putting a stop to the behaviors. An added surprise was that he was able to stop taking the medications he had been on for years. In the past, they had tried to do this and he would get migraine type headaches. This time, no headaches and no more A.D.H.D. behaviors.

Because of my work with N.L.P. (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnosis and especially Neuro Pathway Restructuring™, I knew that if we could break up the neuro pathways of the behaviors, then we could stop them.

When we are born, we have about 100 billion neuronal connections available to us. A neuron can be connected to as many as 15,000 other neurons forming a complex series of pathways. To put it simply, a pathway is formed when we repeatedly experience something. Every time you brush your teeth, your brain runs down a neural path thereby strengthening it.

These neural pathways are triggered to run by all kind of things: a look, a sound and even a smell. We’re usually unaware of them even though they drive our behaviors. They’re not something we have to pay attention to unless we start having problems. Problems can range from smoking to drug addiction, gaining weight to not exercising, repeating sabotaguing behaviors to procrastination and the whole range of “negative” actions.

Trying to force yourself to stop these behaviors is sometimes successful…at least for awhile. The problem is that the behaviors become neuro pathways which want to run. As I mentioned earlier, unless we can do something to stop the pathway from running our “plastic” brain will find a way to recreate the behaviors. And that’s where N.L.P., Neuro Pathway Restructuring™ and Hypnosis come in. Using a combination of these techniques, we can stop the transmission of the chemical which sets off the behavior.

Imagine if you could, discovering how your brain works to generate behaviors. Or how to alter those behaviors. What could you do with your life?

What could our kids do? Especially the teenagers? People would be able to let go their Limiting Beliefs about themselves. They would be motivated to actualize their potential. They would know how to generate behaviors that serve them rather than harm them. Just think what we could do……..

If you’re at all curious, check out the upcoming workshops in N.L.P. and Neuro Pathway Restructuring™.

Go to: http://www.debrafentress.com/practitioner.html

And : http://www.neuralpathwayrestructuring.com/home.html

Welcome to the Life Change Catalyst Blog!

I know with all that’s happened in the last year many people are feeling stuck and worried about the future. And for some, it’s been a banner year.

What’s the difference?

How each one of us perceives things!

It’s our choice whether we give up, hang our heads and spout doom and gloom. And it’s our choice if we look at what’s happening in our lives and take the opportunity to figure out where we need to make the necessary changes. For many people, the changes in their lives have caused massive shifts which have been for the better. It might not have looked that way all the time but in the final analysis, they came out ahead.

One of our studentsI’m challenging all my readers to make the rest of 2010 the best part of the year! Make the decision and set the intention that whatever challenges you’re facing, you will discover the “silver lining.  It’s said that within every problem lies the solution…..if we just look for it.

In these blog posts, I’ll be writing about different ways you can make this your best year ever. Plus, we’ll post your success stories as you make the changes. Big or small, just write in and let us all know what you’ve done to improve your life.

If you’d like some help to take on this challenge, we’ve got several things to offer.

For those of you who want to work on specific issues in a private setting, there is always one on one coaching. I can be reached at debra@DebraFentress.com to explore this option.

 If you’d like to make some changes in a few days, there are several workshops coming up:


What if you healed your past so it no longer affected you, altered your beliefs about yourself and could create your life the way you want? For many, it takes a life threatening disease or an accident to get them to change the way they’re doing things. But it doesn’t’ have to be that way! You can take the steps toward living the life your heart desires. Check out the Breaking the Cycle workshop on June 12 & 13. We’re extending the Special Pricing until May 28th to celebrate the new blog. To get in for $195.00 rather than $245.00 call me at 818-422-2474


Want to find your purpose and reason for being here? On July 17 & 18, we have the workshop Soul Song™ Living Your Soul’s Purpose. Interested? Go to http://www.spiritsmuse.com/soulsong.html


Want to understand how you create your behaviors and learn how to re-program the software of your mind for success. Neuro Linguistic Programming (N.L.P.)  is the art and science of modeling excellence in successful people and then reproducing that success. Learn how to create rapid, lasting change in your life or the lives of others.

N.L.P. w/Spirit© is a marriage of the latest advances in mind discoveries, quantum physics and the ancient knowledge of spirit and energy. Leaving out any one of these leaves the student or client unbalanced.

Whether you’re looking to learn more about yourselfr or for a new career, N.L.P. w/Spirit© is an opportunity for you to take your life to a whole new level. We’re running the training over a series of 5 weekends, once a month. To discover more go to: http://www.debrafentress.com/practitioner.html


Whatever route you choose to make this your Best Year Ever, remember to Make a Decision, Have an Intention and Take Action!

Love and light, Debra