Managing to stay positive

Well, we’re 2 days into the Positivity Challenge and I was wondering how some of you are doing?

If you’re in a situation which is generating fear or anxiety while trying to be positive, this can be quite a challenge. Our mind will generally go to the well-worn path if left on its own. It’s the path of least resistance.

Unfortunately though, that path can lead us to negative feelings, memories and thoughts.

We are like film projectors. We take in information from the world, run it thru a filtering system in order to process it and then project that back onto the world. One of these filters is memories. If you’re experiencing a situation in your life right now which is causing you fear or anxiety, your mind will go back to the memories of similar events and that will re-enforce what you’re seeing and feeling.

Since the Law of Attraction works by attracting what you’re focusing on then you will attract more of the very thing which is causing you anxiety and fear! It’s a self-perpetuating cycle of attracting that which we don’t want.

If you find yourself continually bringing up a negative emotion, you’ll need to control this and redirect the mind to look for the positive. We have to somehow let go of the old movies that are playing in our minds.

To start, there is a technique which is a combination of Neuro Linguistic Programming and ancient wisdom.

Get in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Imagine that you are in a theater with a balcony and you’re sitting in the balcony.

Now imagine that the situation or person that is creating the negative feelings inside you is on the stage below you. Notice how you feel and where the feelings sit in your body as you contemplate this person or event.

In your mind, begin a dialogue with the person or “thing” (imagining it can answer you) and ask these questions:

  • What is it I need to learn from you?
  • How are you a mirror of me?
  • What do I need to do to release or heal you?

Some of the key things to remember about the answers:

  • They need to be useful responses. Things like “You’re a jerk” are not useful….that’s just your knee jerk response.
  • Our world is always a mirror to what is happening inside us and sometimes we don’t like seeing it. Jung called this the Shadow Self. Do your best to be open to the answer.
  • Often times to release or heal, we need to correct something within ourselves or our world. If you are not willing to do the correction then this is a sign that you’re not really in alignment with what you want to manifest.

Once you have the answers and have agreed to the responses, then notice how the feelings have changed. If the negative emotions have not disappeared, you’ll need to go back and  repeat the process until they do.

It’s amazing what you can discover by doing this process and how you can get back in alignment with what you want to manifest. Once that alignment is in place, the universe  just opens up for you.

Please keep me posted on your progress!